There are two types of learners licence tests in South Africa. The computerized tests are ​gradually replacing the written tests across the country. This is to avoid corruption.

  1. The written test (Human Sciences Research Council as prepared by Steve Venter) –

The material is based on the actual 9 written tests presently being used in

many testing centres.

You can expect to answer:

    • 30 “Rules of the Road” questions
    • 30 “Road Traffic Signs” questions
    • 8 “Controls” of the vehicle questions.

2. The eNaTIS computerised test. You will be asked the answers to a series of questions from a ​databank of 1500 questions. Study material can be found on the e-ENaTIS web page

Downloads – Learners’ Licences.

The Department of Transport and the Road Traffic Management Corporation ​(RTMC) have introduced a new digital learner licence system across South ​Africa.

the Computerisation of Learner Licence Testing Centres (CLLT) programme ​aims to modernise the current system.

The CLLT will also help reduce or remove the element of corruption in the ​system, the RTMC said.

The initial rollout of the CLLT system has already started in Gauteng, with early ​work beginning in the Free State, Eastern Cape, Limpopo and KwaZulu-Natal. ​The full project is set to be completed by March 2024.

While some computerised systems had been introduced as far back as 2011 in ​select locations, the RTMC said that these have since become obsolete and ​were not working.

The CLLT classroom is typically equipped with around 20 kiosks with an equal ​number of touch screen CLLT computers.

All the applicable questions per test type and the required marks to pass a ​specific test are maintained on the eNaTIS system. This includes options for the ​applicant to respond on-screen as well as audio in all 11 official languages.

Upon entering the classroom, the examiner will allocate a specific terminal to ​the successfully identified applicant before entering the test room.

The terminal will then require the personal details of the applicant – such as ​their identification number.

The system will randomly generate the test questions for the applicable test ​for each terminal. The test questions will be temporarily downloaded to the ​test terminal. After the test has been authorised, the questions will be deleted.

The answers to the questions will then be verified on the eNaTIS.

The CLLT forms part of a significant IT and tech overhaul at driving licence ​testing centres across South Africa to reduce wait times.

In order to pass the exam the candidate has to ​score as follows per category: