Code 08 (or Code B) is the most common driver’s license, ​allowing you to drive any vehicle (except motorcycles and ​agricultural vehicles) lighter than 3 500 Kg. A learner’s license ​is required to take the test

Code 8 drivers licence test

This is a practical test to determine the ability of light motor vehicle ​drivers. The full test consists of two separate parts, namely a yard test ​and a road test, jointly measuring the proficiency of a vehicle driver ​regarding his/her handling of the vehicle, obedience to traffic rules, and ​coping with traffic problems in the practical driving situation. The test ​shall be used by driving licence testing centres to measure the ​proficiency level of drivers in order to obtain a driving licence. Only on ​the successful completion of the test can a driving licence be ​authorised.


The yard test ( PART 1 )

This section of the test shall be administered in an area that ​is closed to other traffic and persons.

The test shall commence with the following :

pre-trip inspection

Turn in the road

Alley docking, (to the left and right)

Parallel Parking, (to the left and right)

Incline start.


The Pre-Trip inspection will be the first thing that you going to ​do before starting with the yard test this is to check if the ​vehicle that you are using is roadworthy for the test.

The video will show you how this inspection work:

Turn into the road

You must complete the three-point turn in three movements only, without ​bumping any kerbs, and your vehicles should end up facing in the opposite ​direction, on the opposite side of the road. You have 1 attempt.

  • Check rear-view mirrors and the blind spots.
  • Signal intention (right turn).
  • Select the correct gear.
  • Obtain clutch control (manual).
  • Observe 360 degrees (Rear-view mirrors and blind spot if applicable).
  • Release the handbrake.
  • Move off driving forwards and turn the steering wheel as far right as ​possible.
  • Counter-steer in the other direction as you stop.
  • Stop.
  • Apply the handbrake.
  • Check the rear-view mirrors and the blind spot to the left.
  • Signal intention.
  • Select reverse gear.
  • Obtain clutch control (manual).
  • Observe 360 degrees (Rear-view mirrors and blind spot if applicable).
  • Release handbrake.
  • Move off in a backward direction and turn the steering wheel to the left.
  • Counter steer to straighten out the wheels.
  • Stop.
  • Apply handbrake.
  • Check the rear-view mirrors and the blind spot to the left.
  • Signal intension.
  • Select gear.
  • Obtain clutch control (manual).
  • Observe 360 degrees (Rear-view mirrors and blind spot if applicable).
  • Release handbrake.
  • Move off driving forwards, and keep left.
  • Cancel signal.

Step 1 of the three-point turn.

Step 2 of the three-point turn.

Step 3 of the three-point turn.

Alley docking :

Alley docking is reversing into a demarcated parking bay and then ​driving out again. You have 2 attempts, and you must not hit any ​obstacles including the kerb. Only combination vehicles (like a truck ​pulling a trailer) are allowed any forward movements (one). ​Touching a line with a wheel will result in the end of the test. You ​will need to perform alley docking to the left and to the right.

  • Check the mirrors and the blind spot.
  • Signal intention.
  • Select gear.
  • Obtain clutch control (manual).
  • Observe 360 degrees (Rear-view mirrors and blind spot if ​applicable) 6.
  • Release the handbrake.
  • Move off.
  • Check the blind spot (right blind spot if alley docking to the left; ​left blind spot if alley docking to the right).
  • Steer into the area without touching any obstacles.
  • Stop within the demarcated area.
  • Apply the handbrake.
  • Select neutral or park.
  • Cancel the signal Carefully drive out without hitting any ​obstacles using the Moving Off procedure. Make sure you steer ​properly out of the demarcated area

Parallel Parking :

Parallel parking consists of reversing into a parking bay to ​park the vehicle. It must be done in no more than 3 ​movements, and you must not bump any obstacles, including ​the kerb. You have 2 attempts. You will need to perform ​parallel parking to the left and to the right.

Incline start :

You must start your vehicle on an incline and move off smoothly ​without rolling backwards, stalling, jerking or spinning the wheels. ​You only get 1 attempt

  • Stop where the instructor indicates without allowing the vehicle ​to move backwards.
  • Apply the handbrake.
  • Select the neutral (manual).
  • Check the mirrors and the blind spot.
  • Signal intention, if applicable.
  • Select gear.
  • Obtain clutch control (manual).
  • Observe 360 degrees (Rear-view mirrors and blind spot if ​applicable)..
  • Release the handbrake.
  • Move off without rolling back.
  • Cancel the signal

Road test :

Requirements for road test The road test may only commence on the ​successful completion of the yard test. Every driving licence testing ​centre shall have at least two pre-established routes. The test shall ​be conducted on anyone of these routes.

The following features shall be included in every test route:

(a) A road, with more than one lane in the same direction, containing ​at least two controlled intersections and clearly demarcated road ​markings where a lane change shall be done.

(b) At least one intersection controlled by four-way stop signs.

(c) At least four intersections controlled by stop signs or traffic ​lights.

(d) At least two intersections controlled by yield sign(s)

- (i) where the applicant shall yield right of way at one of the ​intersections.

(ii) where the applicant has right of way at one of the intersections.

(e) A quiet road where the emergency stop shall be executed.

(f) None of the intersections forming part of a test route shall be ​crossed more than twice from the same direction.

(g) At least 65% of the test route shall consist of public roads in an ​urban area.

(h) A right turn shall be made at least at two of the intersections ​mentioned in (c)

(i) Crossing of two-way traffic shall be made at least at two ​intersections.

(j) Flashing green arrow indicators for turning vehicles shall not form ​part of the crossings mentioned in (h) and (i).

For more info on the test

click on the link below :

Practical driving test for motor vehicle drivers - ​Volume 1